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郭萍萍 《理论建设》2020,36(1):94-98
农村党组织书记和村委会主任"一肩挑"模式具有明显的整体性治理色彩,福建省邵武市在推行这一模式方面取得诸多成果。但"一肩挑"模式在运行过程中还存在一些问题,如少数地方投票未能准确反映村民意愿、少数地方未能真正选拔出优秀人才、"一肩挑"负责人未有效协调农村"两委"工作。这些问题主要归因于:新构建的机制整体上不够完善、诸多人员尚未适应"一肩挑"这一新的机制。建设"一肩挑"运行的长效机制的路径主要有:坚持基层民主推选,确保选举真实合法有效;拓宽人选渠道,加强后备队伍建设;健全监管机制,提升整体性治理效能。  相似文献   
情境预防理论表明首都社区安全治理绝不能仅依赖警察为主体的国家强制力,而应通过社区情境的优化来达到"无为而治"的社区治理效果。基于对北京市23个社区的调查分析,发现社区物理环境显著影响着社区安全度,楼房社区-自住平房-公寓-出租平房形成自高至低的社区安全梯度,因此情境预防应融入社区物理环境的规划-设计-建设-维护流程。另外,社区社会情境同样显著影响着社区安全度,社会治安综合治理机制与社区警务机制作为安全网络的双重支柱,应由压力型体制下单向执行转向双向互动网络,而基于互联网与物联网的社区大数据平台应构成社区神经系统与实时自动监测系统。  相似文献   
黄琪轩 《外交评论》2020,(3):94-120,I0004
世界政治领导国的对外技术政策很大程度上源于应对大国战略竞争的需要。当美国面临直接、迫切的大国战略竞争压力时,更愿意通过放宽技术进口和出口限制来争取合作者、应对竞争者,即"利用强者打败更强者"。自20世纪70年代以来,美国对华技术政策经历了从逐步放松再到加强限制这一过程。苏联的安全竞争压力迫使美国在加强对苏技术出口限制的同时,放宽对华技术出口限制。日本的经济竞争压力促使美国在加强对日技术进口限制的同时,放宽对华技术进口限制。应对直接、迫切的大国战略竞争压力,会促使世界政治的领导国更重视当期利益,同时也为潜在竞争者的成长提供机会。而当苏联和日本对美国构成的大国战略竞争压力逐渐褪去时,美国对华技术政策再度面临调整压力,以致于今为甚,通过发起对华贸易战,打压中国高新技术产业,全面收紧了对华高技术进出口限制。美国的技术竞争将是今后很长时间中国技术进步难以绕过的阻碍。  相似文献   
从党的政策表述及当前实践来看,基层社会治理格局的形塑过程蕴含着“党建”与“共建”的双重逻辑。“党建”的出发点是巩固党的组织优势和执政基础,表现为基层组织体系从“有形覆盖”走向“有效覆盖”,进而为引领基层社会治理准备条件。“共建”要求探索“一核多元”的治理模式,既要实现基层党组织对“共建”力量的联结和协调,也要保障多元治理主体的有效参与,同步推进群众自治、社会共治和公共服务。“党建”与“共建”的双重逻辑呈现,亦关联着社会治理研究范式的更新。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2020,60(3):204-205
This commentary provides a response to the European Court of Human Rights ruling in the case of Gaughran vs the United Kingdom on 13 February 2020. The Court ruled that the indefinite retention of DNA, fingerprints and facial images from all convicted adults was disproportionate. Using data from a survey on public attitudes, we examine the public acceptability of the police retention of forensic biometrics from the population.  相似文献   
以人民为中心的发展思想充分体现了中国共产党对"价值行动与价值宗旨"的集体智慧,是对新时代我们党治国理政的"为了谁、依靠谁"的精辟总结。文章主要从中华优秀传统文化、马克思主义唯物史观、中国共产党人百年追求等角度来深刻阐述这一重要思想的背景渊源;从以人民为中心的发展思想的根本目的、发展原则、力量源泉、价值取向来把握其思想内核;从丰富了中国特色社会主义发展理念的理论内涵、为我们党的治国理政提供了行动指南、汇聚为伟大复兴中国梦的奋进之力等方面来正确认识以人民为中心发展思想的价值意蕴。  相似文献   
This article analyses welfare impacts of fertiliser adoption using data collected from 838 cocoa farm households in the four key cocoa-producing regions in Ghana. Using propensity score matching (PSM), the study indicates that application of fertiliser leads to significant gains in farm yields, farm income, consumption expenditure, consumption expenditure per capita, and value of productive farm assets. The article concludes that cocoa-specific programmes such as Cocoa High Technology (Cocoa Hi-tech), initiated to intensify the application of improved farm technologies such as fertiliser, should be strengthened through effective and efficient management systems.  相似文献   
Scholars and practitioners have repeatedly questioned the democraticness and the authority of transnational multi‐stakeholder organizations, especially those that regulate the internet. To contribute to this discussion, we studied the “democratic anchorages” and the regulatory authority of 23 internet regulators. In particular, we conducted a fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis assessing whether and which anchorages correspond to necessary and/or sufficient conditions for exerting regulatory authority. Our results show that strong anchorage in democratic procedures is specifically relevant for this outcome. Further, we find that weak anchorage in democratically elected politicians leads to high regulatory authority, confirming the significance of non‐state actors in this policy field. More generally, our findings support but also qualify expectations about the compatibility and mutual reinforcement of democratic quality and regulatory authority at the transnational level.  相似文献   
This article investigates off-farm work decisions by smallholder farm households. Using data on 1,101 households from Burkina Faso, it demonstrates that in addition to the usual household socio-demographic characteristics, remittances, access to information and beneficiary of specific training affect off-farm work decisions, as well as rainfall factors and idiosyncratic health shocks. Community characteristics such as accessibility and number of inhabitants are also key factors. While suggesting that off-farm work is less likely to be undertaken for accumulation purposes, these results have important policy implications. In particular, policy measures should consider each segment as a separate entity.  相似文献   

Institutions undertake a huge variety of constitutive purposes. One of the roles of legitimacy is to protect and promote an institution’s pursuit of its purpose; state legitimacy is generally understood as the right to rule, for example. When considering legitimacy beyond the state, we have to take account of how differences in purposes change legitimacy. I focus in particular on how differences in purpose matter for the stringency of the standards that an institution must meet in order to be legitimate. An important characteristic of an institution’s purpose is its deontic status, i.e. whether it is morally impermissible, merely permissible, or mandatory. Although this matters, it does so in some non-obvious ways; the mere fact of a morally impermissible purpose is not necessarily delegitimating, for example. I also consider the problem of conflicting, multiple, and contested institutional purposes, and the different theoretical roles for institutional purpose. Understanding how differences in purpose matter for an institution’s legitimacy is one part of the broader project of theorizing institutional legitimacy in the many contexts beyond the traditional context of the state.  相似文献   
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